AGS Movers Kiev sponsored and participated in the IWCK’s (International Women’s Club of Kiev) annual Christmas Charity Bazaar, held on 4 December, 2010, at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
AGS Kiev contributed 400 carrier bags and provided boxes for goods donated to the charity event, as well as the transportation of the boxes to the venue. In addition, the branch’s staff helped sell carrier bags for 5 UAH each. AGS Kiev raised a total of 200 EUR.
The Ambassador of France, Jacques Faure, attended the bazaar; members of the local French community manned a number of stands which included French products and other delicacies.
The event also featured the traditional Tombola, Raffle and White Elephant stalls and saw an astounding 10 000 EUR raised.
A number of local charity organisations and healthcare centres in Kiev were the beneficiaries of the charity initiative.