AGS Movers Paris is so passionate about mobility solutions by road that they recently entered a team of ten staff runners into the annual 10km L’Equipe race. Participating for the second time, the AGS team was spurred on by their 109th place finish this year (out of 132 teams) and are already looking forward to participating again next year.
AGS Movers Guinea recently received a letter of appreciation from South Africa’s ambassador to the country. This letter thanks AGS for the charitable donation received from the branch while commemorating International Mandela Day. Demonstrating further commitment to the cause, AGS also transported all donations to the South African Embassy.
AGS’ International Movers Johannesburg sponsored the Defence Foreign Relations golf day in August, strengthening AGS’ relationship with senior embassy diplomats and South African government employees attending. While AGS Johannesburg’s German corporate sales executive played golf with Austria’s Ambassador (coming second in the tournament!), the rest of the AGS staff treated teams to tasty refreshments.
When a client recently needed a large boat transported from Malawi by road to Tanzania, AGS Movers Malawi was not deterred by the unusual request (for a land-locked country).
“The client chose AGS because we were the only company that could promise him that we have enough capacity to do this kind of job,” explains Branch Manager Luis Fernandez.