Bastille Day is celebrated in Kenya each year. To mark the occasion, AGS Kenya, together with the French Embassy, the French Chamber and several other French-owned companies gifted hampers of French products to various Kenyan partners and public institutions to celebrate the Frenco-Kenyan relationship.
The Kenyan government, which has actively taken measures and implemented reforms to attract foreign investment, has established a very strong relationship with France.
Supported at every step by Bpifrance, French companies that have invested in Kenya have been able to develop their business and find reliable partners and associates.
They combined French and Kenyan expertise and are proud to hire talented Kenyans alongside with their French counterparts.
Thibault Malezieux, Managing Director AGS Worldwide Movers Kenya agrees: “Thanks to its stability, good infrastructure and people with high skills level, Kenya is and always has been a favoUrable country to operate in”.
”Located in Nairobi since 1995, AGS Global Solutions used it logistics expertise to deliver the hampers throughout Kenya.
Learn more about this initiative and the French companies who contributed to the hampers.