Important changes have occurred in Romanian legislation with regards to the importation of used household goods and vehicles.
These changes should be applied immediately.
Based on the 274/2008 CEE Regulation, the Romanian government has decided that relief from import duties will no longer apply to:
- Household goods belonging to natural persons transferring their secondary residence in the customs territory of Romania;
- Alcohol, tobacco products and perfumes, which will maintain the same quantity restrictions;
- Vehicles imported into Romania.
Since these changes are new, various customs offices are applying them differently; some continue to approve the temporary importation of vehicles, but only for 6 months and against a bank guarantee in the amount of the duties due.
However, it is strongly recommended to abide by those new regulations with immediate effect.
All these changes apply to non-diplomatic shipments only.
Please feel free to contact AGS Bucharest before sending any shipment to Romania. Gratiela Lascu, the Branch Manager of AGS Bucharest, will be available to answer your questions.
Click here to download the list of documents required for the import of personal effects to Romania.
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