France | AGS Movers International Removals Wed, 24 May 2023 09:12:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 France | AGS Movers 32 32 AGS Nantes saves South American off-roading adventure! Thu, 12 Aug 2021 09:58:48 +0000 AGS Nantes managed a complicated and unprecedented customer request: shipping four vehicles from Bolivia back to France after the pandemic forced their adventurous owners to return home. The complex operation lasted one year. We look back at the facts.

“A real challenge,” is how Pierre Arzel, Branch Manager of AGS Nantes, sums up the successful vehicle repatriation.

It all started at the beginning of 2020, when four French couples embarked on a 32 000km off-road adventure between French Guiana, Ushuaia and Panama in their own vehicles. Their adventure came to an abrupt halt on 25 March when the global pandemic drove Bolivia into a strict lockdown. The eight travellers were forced to return to France on a repatriation flight organised by the local French Embassy, but their 4x4s stayed behind. “We didn’t want to leave them in the street,” explains Denis Mutter, one of the cars’ owners. “The French embassy suggested leaving the cars at the French high school parking lot in La Paz.”

After two months spent hoping they would be able to finish their epic journey, the vehicle owners approached AGS Nantes to arrange the return of the cars to France. This is when Pierre Arzel took over their file. “I was familiar with AGS expertise and professionalism because I had used their services when I was expatriated in Senegal,” says Denis Mutter. “I knew that the team would do their utmost to organise the shipment.”


An extraordinary exercise

After finalising the quotation on 4 June, Pierre got to work. Little did he know that the shipment would take almost a year to arrive. Obtaining the green light from the Bolivian authorities and customs proved extremely complex because of the unprecedented circumstances: It is against the law to abandon French vehicles belonging to French citizens, in cases where they leave the country indefinitely. The file took months to process, suffering further delays due to the pandemic and a sluggish Bolivian economy.

Pierre Arzel, AGS Nantes Branch Manager
Pierre Arzel, AGS Nantes Branch Manager

Pierre initially looked to the Bolivian shipper he usually works with for help. However, lockdown had pushed his contacts into short-time which greatly slowed the process. “Where a document would usually arrive in three days, we had to wait 15 days,” remembers Pierre. Bolivian customs also pointed out that the usual procedures were not applicable given the circumstances.

After a few weeks, customs delivered documents in Spanish for legalisation by the French authorities. After two months, Pierre By this time the documents had expired and he had to start all over again. This time the Bolivian presidential election slowed down the process, to the point that the new documents only arrived in at the end of October.


A return in April 2021

After several weeks, customs inspected the vehicles in December and greenlit their shipment to France. Pierre Arzel announced the great news the day before Christmas Eve. “Some of us really thought we would never see our vehicles again,” says Denis Mutter, “but we knew we could count on Pierre Arzel to keep us informed. He was invested in our predicament and showed real determination.”

Containerisation took place in January for a departure on 20 January. The four vehicles were transported in two 40m3 shipping containers, finally arriving in good condition at the port of Le Havre on 19 April 2021, more than a year after their owners had left them behind. More good news was that the couples could reclaim their deposit from the trip organiser, who had retained a percentage of the vehicles’ value to facilitate border crossings in South America.

“This file is one of the most complicated I have managed, especially because of its duration,” says Pierre Arzel. “I knew I had to persevere and insist. The file was on the top of my list every day for ten months and I was determined to see it through.”

Move with peace of mind with AGS Nantes!

When the bees decided to move! Mon, 05 Jul 2021 13:56:16 +0000 Aware of the plight of these insects the world over, the team went out of their way to save them,
and with great success.]]>
“In the middle of the afternoon, my technical manager arrived in a panic,” says Raphaël Arielli, branch manager of AGS Marseille. “A three-meter-high cloud of bees was swarming above our parking lot.” Although the Marseille team had dealt with a few wasps on the premises in the past, a swarm of bees was a first. The AGS Group has always prioritised environmental conservation. Despite its modest size, the bee plays an essential role in our food production. The species ensures 80% of pollination and therefore the reproduction of flowering plants. 35% of our food depends on fertilisation by insects, a process that includes bees, so it was only natural for the AGS Marseille team to rescue the swarm.

After a phone call to the fire department, which no longer provides bee removal services, Raphaël Arielli looked for a nearby beekeeper. He discovered that SMRI Mécanique, a nearby company specialising in mechanics and industrial valves, had four beehives on its premises. In no time he was at their door, requesting assistance from their small team of apiarists.

A tranquil rescue operation

The Managing Director of SMRI Mécanique, Claude Martini, and Patrick Parenti, the President of the Spne (Sensibilisation Protection Nature et Environnement), the association that introduced SMRI to bee conservation, support AGS Marseille’s desire to save their invaders. Patrick Parenti explains, “The hives divide this time every year, and a half leaves with the new queen. The bee population is under threat, so a rescue like this is crucial. We must protect them from predators like the Asian hornet and inappropriate behaviour like suffocation.”

Armed with protective suits and equipment, they rescued the swarm, which had by then relocated to a nearby cypress tree. Several branches were sawn off during the operation, but no smoking was required. “The SMRI team explained that bees loaded with honey, like ours were, are harmless,” says Raphaël Arielli.

An environmentally friendly approach

Once the queen was safely ensconced in the hive brought specially for the occasion, the other bees followed. The rescue operation, photographed by Christophe Moret, Planning Manager at AGS Marseille, was a success. “I am delighted and proud that we managed to rescue the bees and give them a good home,” says Priscille Kula, the deputy branch manager. This environmentally friendly approach is in line with the philosophy of the branch and the AGS Group as a whole. Moreover, it is a ray of light in these gloomy times.

SMRI similarly welcomed the rescue. “This new swarm will be SMRI’s fifth hive. It will help us continue to promote beehives in suburban areas among employees. We are protecting the environment at a time when global warming is causing devastating damage,” explains Claude Martini, who has been involved in the preservation of bees for the past five years thanks to the Snpe.

An environmental and social deed

SMRI has modified its green spaces by planting food-bearing plants that allow bees to forage throughout the year. It also keeps chickens to control predators and intends to plant fruit trees in the coming months to green up the pine forest destroyed by fire in 2020.

Like other businesses in the region, the company sells its honey through the Snpe. The non-profit has a good reputation and has already assisted the Hospital of Martigues, private individuals, the town hall of Châteauneuf, and many companies. “Our objective is to make them autonomous in their apiary management, like SMRI Mécanique is today,” adds Patrick Parentil. “We are also engaging in educational activities in schools.”

“This was a terrific experience because we came together for a worthy cause. We are delighted to have met local businesses and neighbours during this adventure,” says Raphaël Arielli. He concludes with a smile: “And why not have beehives at AGS?”

You have decided to move too?
Contact us for a free quote!



AGS Paris renews ISO 14001 certification Wed, 04 Nov 2020 16:22:07 +0000  

We are pleased to announce that our Parisian branch recently renewed its ISO 14001:2015 certification. The ISO 14001 Certification is an internationally recognised standard for effective environmental management. Through a series of requirements, it provides a framework within which we as a branch can continue to improve our environmental performance.

This renewal is the result of the unstinting work by the team at AGS Paris, the flagship branch of the Mobilitas Group.


I am pleased that AGS Paris has retained this certification on their already significant list of accomplishments,” commented AGS Group CEO Cédric Castro. “One of the AGS Group’s key principles has always been to grow sustainable business through environmentally friendly practices, and the successful renewal of this certification is another way in which we are able to put our principles into effect.”


The AGS Mobilitas Group has made a quantifiable impact worldwide through our partnership with the Planète Urgence NGO, which was formed in 2009 (


As part of this agreement (one international move = one tree), over 240 000 trees have been planted in the last 10 years in Mali, Haiti, Indonesia and Madagascar, on behalf of our customers.

AGS Paris has long been a pioneer for the AGS Group in implementing environmentally-friendly processes to reduce greenhouse emissions.



In addition to the ISO 14001 certification, AGS Paris also holds the following certifications and accreditations:

  • ISO 9001:2015, for quality management
  • ISO 27001:2013, for confidentiality, integrity and availability of information as well as legal compliance
  • FIDI FAIM and FAIM Plus, specific to the moving industry, developed by the International Federation of International Movers (FIDI) to assess the quality of the work supplied by a mover
  • NG Storage, a French standard that guarantees quality and reliability of storage service
  • Authorized Economic Operator, a European standard whose aim is to facilitate trade and better secure the flow of goods entering and leaving the European Union

AGS Paris is also a member of IAM (International Association of Movers), FIDI and LACMA. Our partnership with the members of these three international moving associations gives us access to a global network of partners and allows us to offer an excellent service to our clients, wherever they are in the world.

Rethinking tomorrow – the strength of family business Mon, 12 Oct 2020 12:49:24 +0000  

As son and grandson of the founders of the MOBILITAS Group, Alain Taïeb and his nephew, Cédric Castro, were invited to speak at the latest Family Business Network (FBN) event, held virtually on 17 September 2020. The FBN is the first global network dedicated to family-owned businesses and their shareholders, and the two gentlemen were honoured to share their thoughts on running their family business under the motto Preserving the Present to Ensure the Future.



Cultivating resilience by putting family first


Since its foundation in France in 1974 by Alain’s parents, Isaac and Sarah Taïeb (Le Point September 2016), the MOBILITAS Group, then known as AGS, has grown from an SME into a mid-sized multinational group. To achieve this, the family first expanded their core activity of removals beyond French borders and then embarked on a strategy of diversification by adding complimentary services to the AGS portfolio. Today the group is active in 98 countries with four areas of focus:  international removals, relocations, records management and heritage digitisation.

The reason behind this approach to growth? Family, of course.

“Building for the future – the next generation – has always been a priority for our family business,” explains Alain Taïeb, Chairman of the MOBILITAS Supervisory Board. “If we have always been able to bounce back and be resilient, it is thanks to this principle and the resulting strategy, which is based on three pillars: the family entrepreneurial DNA, a diversified geographical presence and the addition of new activities to minimise risk.”

President of FBN France, Philippe Grodner, confirms: “Thanks to their long-term vision, family-owned businesses have shown that their performance is often superior to that of traditional companies. The family’s values act as an essential glue that binds all employees and stakeholders together.”

This sentiment is echoed in a report published by Centennial Family Companies, in which 86% of family-owned businesses feel that their strong culture and values set them apart.


Adaptability is key


Cédric Castro, Chairman of the MOBILITAS Management Board and the third generation of the family to be at the helm, believes it is the focus on longevity and family values that has allowed the group to remain sustainable in these uncertain times.

“The importance the family places on the future has been absorbed at every level of our operations. Our teams’ daily activities form a continuous momentum that builds on what we have already achieved and lays the foundations for our upcoming plans. Our other strength is being able to adapt quickly. At each critical moment in the life of our group, we have been able to be flexible and adjust. This allows us to continue to develop, diversify and consolidate,” he says.

As such, the adaptability and diversification of the MOBILITAS Group enables it to withstand the current crisis well. “Our archiving and heritage digitisation activities are well-received. We manage archives for banks, government administrations and private companies, and through our company Arkhênum, we also offer heritage digitisation.  Just recently we have worked with a prestigious cognac brand and digitised valuable museum print collections,” Cédric continues.

It’s a fact. More and more companies want to preserve their heritage as a way of safeguarding irreplaceable know-how while strengthening their identity and their brand. This is illustrated by the testimonial of Hélène Galzin from the Renault Group, which has just carried out a great project to preserve its heritage, comprising an art collection, vintage cars and a collection of archives of inestimable value (discover the video).

MOBILITAS knows that conserving knowledge and strengthening brand identity are key activities for any business, which is why they offer digitisation services to their clients. Internally however the company also achieves these objectives through family involvement, building on the present through resilience and adaptability to ensure the future for the next generation.



12th International Mobility Meeting Mon, 01 Jul 2019 13:28:20 +0000 AGS Paris, represented by Tony Weiss, Business Development Manager, participated in the 12th Rencontres de la Mobilité internationale (International Mobility Meeting), which took place on 11 June 2019 in Paris, France.

The Rencontres de la Mobilité internationale has been an annual reference event for Human Resources executives since 2008. Thirty speakers and more than 300 international HR decision-makers convened to talk, learn and stay informed on all topics related to mobility.

Plenary conferences

This year, two plenary conferences permitted outstanding personalities to share their vision on prospective topics. The first conference gave the floor to the writer, international reporter, diplomat and former war correspondent, Olivier Weber, and to Pierre Haski, president of Reporters Without Borders and presenter of the geopolitics mornings on France Inter radio. They spoke about political uncertainties, the rise of populism, the intensification of commercial tensions and the strain on migratory matters.

The second plenary conference was led by Bertrand Piccard, a visionary at the origin of Solar Impulse, the first zero-fuel aircraft with a perpetual autonomy. He has completed two round-the-world trips; one in a balloon and another in a solar plane. Bertrand is recognised by some of the most established institutions as an influent thought leader on the topics of progress and sustainability.

Thematic conferences

The day was also composed of four thematic sessions during which several topics were discussed including new forms of mobility and talent management and the impact of international mobility on the lives and careers of expatriates, amongst others.


Lastly, participants took part in workgroups and discussed various subjects including the international mobility within the Brexit perspective, legal news, mobility towards the Middle-East, and technology as a support to HR teams, amongst others.

Subjects as close as possible to professionals’ expectation

The increasing success of this meeting is mainly due to the way it is designed. The different themes are selected after a preliminary online survey conducted with more than 8,000 representatives of the HR discipline. Chosen topics thus meet professionals’ expectations.

In addition, the diversity and the number of speakers and participants insure the multiplicity of points of view and the richness of the discussions.

AGS, Partner of UFE Mon, 03 Jun 2019 10:59:26 +0000 AGS Movers Paris has been a long-standing partner of the UFE (Union of French abroad), and the Île-de-France branch is often invited to participate in the association’s events.

The UFE is an association of French, Francophones and Francophiles around the world that defends their interests, provides support and assistance on a regular basis, and ensures a privileged connection with France. The UFE is also a window that allows France to shine throughout the world. The association, founded in 1927, has more than 170 volunteer-driven representations in more than 100 countries.

Since 1927, the UFE has been working to defend the rights of all French, expatriates or those who permanently emigrated abroad. It continues its long-term action in the fields of social protection, education, security, taxation, the right to vote and nationality. The UFE is also a spokesperson at the embassy and the consulate, as well as at public authorities in France. The role of the UFE is particularly important when it comes to guarantee the safety of French citizens. In high-risk countries, the UFE works in close collaboration with the consular authorities and, in times of crisis, proves to be a true communication channel between the French and the consulates.


General Assembly of the UFE

Tony Weiss et Gil le Ménès à l'AG de l'UFEOn 09 March 2019, the General Assembly of the UFE was held at the Pullman Paris Eiffel Tower Hotel. AGS Paris attended this event and set up a booth to present its services.

During this Assembly, Samantha Cazebonne, Member of the Fifth Constituency of French Citizens established outside France, delivered a very interesting presentation on French teaching abroad. Alain-Pierre Mignon, President of the CFE (Fund for French Citizens Abroad) and Laurent Gallet, Director of the CFE, spoke about the reform of the CFE. The day ended with a beautiful gala evening at the Pavillon Wagram.

Pictured above: AGS Representatives at UFE General Assembly, Tony Weiss (left) and Gil Le Ménès.


Meeting with Gérard Pélisson, co-founder of the Accor Group

On Wednesday 15 May 2019, the UFE organised an event for the release of a book dedicated to the founders of the Accor Group, entitled: “Paul Dubrule and Gérard Pélisson, Confrontation and Complicity”.

Gérard Pélisson and the two authors, Pierre-Michel Kaufmann and Henry Lang also attended the event. The book is the result of a two-year dialogue between the two authors and the two businessmen. The creators of the world’s first hotel empire told their intimate experience of this adventure while contrasting their experience to their partner’s one. This gives a fascinating story of the genesis and development of a company, full of anecdotes, confrontations and complicit exchanges.

Alain Taïeb, chairman of the MOBILITAS Group, attended the event, together with Tony Weiss, director of business development at AGS Paris.

AGS Auvergne supports 30th tournament of the Gendarmerie of Rhône-Alpes Wed, 29 May 2019 08:06:34 +0000 AGS Auvergne is a proud partner of the 30th football tournament of the Gendarmerie of Rhône-Alpes. The event took place on 16 May 2019 and was held in Lempdes in Puy-de-Dôme.

The football tournament of the Gendarmerie of Rhône Alpes takes place annually and is organised by the CSALG (Sports Club Artistic and Recreation of the Gendarmerie of Clermont-Ferrand).

The CSALG was created in 1983 and has nearly 500 members. The club is also open to outsiders and creates a link between society and the police.

Fourteen teams participated in the 30th edition of the tournament and more than 350 people, including players, volunteers, referees and partners, gathered and enjoyed a lovely lunch together.

Cédric Herlin, AGS Auvergne branch manager and Guillaume Cartal, the branch sales representative (pictured above), attended the event and represented AGS. They welcomed guests to the AGS branded stand and shared some of the services offered by the branch.

In-depth interview with Mobilitas chairman Tue, 14 May 2019 06:48:15 +0000 MOBILITAS, the parent company of AGS Movers, will continue to focus on asset acquisition, Mr Taïeb explained in this in-depth interview published earlier this week.

In the interview, Mr Taïeb stresses the importance of assets to the Group and addresses the company’s acquisition strategy, price competition and the competition of online companies.


MOBILITAS, started as a small moving company named AGS in 1974, has grown to become one of the leading moving companies in the world, employing approximately 4500 people.

Please click here to read the full article.

New appointments and promotions – 2019 Fri, 05 Apr 2019 12:50:14 +0000  


Africa network

ags staff jean

Florent Birot
Branch Manager – AGS Movers Abuja

After handing over the management of the AGS Lagos branch to Carole-Anne Duchet, Florent Birot remains in Nigeria, but this time at the Abuja branch. Florent joined the AGS Group almost four years ago, starting as Trainee Manager at AGS Mali where he worked for a year before making the move to AGS Lagos. He has been in Abuja since October 2018.

ags staff frederic-leomant

David Lafontaine
Branch Manager – AGS Movers Cameroon

Recruited in April 2017, David Lafontaine started with the group as a Trainee Manager alongside Guillaume Dehem at the Ivory Coast branch. He already had a great deal of experience in African countries, having travelled to Cameroon numerous times before. It was therefore a natural progression that he’d be given the managerial role at the AGS Douala branch.

ags staff christian

Sylvain Bengler
Branch Manager – AGS Movers Uganda 

Sylvain Bengler joined the group almost 10 years ago as an International Corporate Volunteer in Ghana, before becoming a Trainee Manager in Malawi. In 2012, he took up the Branch Manager’s position in Madagascar where he stayed for only a year before taking over as Branch Manager in Abuja, Nigeria. After five and a half years in Nigeria, Sylvain is experiencing a change of scenery and has been transferred to Uganda, taking over the reins from Carole-Anne Duchet.

ags staff mehdi

Albéric de Colnet
Deputy Branch Manager – AGS Movers Ivory Coast 

Albéric de Colnet started as an International Corporate Volunteer in Cameroon in 2011. After completing several assignments in many of the group’s branches he was promoted to the branch manager position at AGS Lubumbashi in August 2014. Following a sabbatical, Albéric worked alongside Guillaume Dehem in September 2018 as Deputy Manager and has acquired the necessary skills to help develop the different activities of the branch.

ags staff anita

Eric Bellone
Branch Manager – AGS Movers Burkina Faso

Eric Bellone joined the group in July 2018 and received his training at AGS Bordeaux. He took over as Branch Manager of the Burkina Faso branch on 15 November 2018. A former soldier, Eric Bellone is a man of action and will apply the same rigorous principles as required by this position.

ags staff anita

Thierry Stalin
Branch Manager – AGS Movers Congo

Thierry Stalin joined the group in 2013 as an International Corporate Volunteer in Liberia. In early 2015, he became Branch Manager of the Equatorial Guinea branch. At the end of 2018, Thierry accepted a new challenge in the Congo, succeeding Panagiotis Poulot as branch manager.

ags staff anita

Panagiotis Poulot
 Branch Manager – AGS Movers Senegal

After seven years at the Congo branch and having strengthened the group’s presence in this country, Panagiotis Poulot now faces a new challenge in Senegal. He takes over the management of this branch with a strong sales potential.

Chaka Buhendwa
Branch Manager – AGS Movers Zambia

Chaka Buhendwa joined the group as an International Corporate Volunteer and continued his career with the group as a Trainee Branch manager in Botswana, and then Ghana. In 2015, he took over the management of Guinea Bissau and has recently moved to Zambia where he will be responsible for the management of the AGS Zambia branch.

France network

Paul-Alexandre Neveu
 Branch Manager – AGS Movers Le Mans

Paul-Alexandre Neveu joined AGS Toulouse as Trainee Manager in May 2018. He was promoted to the AGS Le Mans Branch Manager role in November 2018.

ags staff jean

Cédric Herlin
Branch Manager – AGS Movers Lyon

Cédric Herlin returns to the group. He started in 2010 at AGS Abu Dhabi and AGS Dubai, where he managed operations and sales. He then became Deputy Manager at AGS Mozambique for two years, before leaving the group to gain experience in Asia. He has recently returned to the group via its French network and takes up the Branch Manager’s position at AGS Lyon.

Asia network

Elliot MacMahon
Branch Manager – AGS Movers Hong Kong

With Grégory Seitz’s departure from the group, Elliot McMahon has taken over the reins at this branch. Elliot returns to where he started his career with the AGS Group as Trainee Branch Manager (2013), after which he was appointed to the position of Branch Manager for AGS in the Philippines in 2014. During his time in the Philippines, Elliot was selected as one of the Top 12 Managers of the group for three consecutive years (2015 – 2017).

ags staff jean

Mika Bruun
Branch Manager – AGS Movers Philippines

Making the move from Africa to Asia, Mika Bruun has taken over the role of Branch Manager for AGS Philippines from Elliot. Mika was appointed as Branch Manager at AGS Tanzania in 2017 and has been with the group since 2010, previously occupying the position of Sales Representative at this branch.


We wish all of them great success at their new branches and new positions.

AGS Paris partners with the French Overseas Territories Tue, 26 Mar 2019 06:31:44 +0000 AGS Movers Paris has maintained close relationships with the French Overseas Territories over recent years, and never misses an opportunity to celebrate this particular bond. Earlier this year, the Ile-de-France branch took part in two events that showcased the culture of the overseas territories and the friendship with its fellow faraway citizens.

34th Anniversary of Accolade association

The first event took place on 26 January 2019 and celebrated the 34th anniversary of Accolade. Since 1985, this association has played a major role in promoting and developing Caribbean culture through sports and cultural activities. The 2019 event, which was attended by more than a thousand people, highlighted women who contributed to the promotion of the Caribbean culture, either in their personal or professional capacity. Alain Providenti, Sales Manager at AGS Paris, one of the main sponsors of the 34th event, had the privilege to present awards to the winners who were congratulated by well-known figures, including Babette de Rozières, Jean-Marc Mormeck and Jacob Desvarieux.

Overseas Gastronomy and French-speaking Communities Fair

AGS Paris also attended the Parc des Expositions in Paris, for the fourth Overseas Gastronomy and French-speaking Communities Fair. Created by Babette de Rozières, Chef and TV show presenter, this fair showcased the cultural treasures and culinary heritage of the FOT. AGS Paris, an avid contributor of this show since the first year, was present again at this year’s event which attracts more than 60 000 visitors every year. From 01 to 03 February 2019, Alain Providenti and Filipe Alves welcomed public participants who were interested in the services offered by AGS, especially those specifics to shipments between FOT and France mainland, such as the AGS Box. Alain and Filipe also welcomed the glamorous presence of Morgane Thérésine, Miss World Guadeloupe 2018.

Pictured above, at the Overseas Gastronomy and French-speaking Communities Fair, from left to right: Mr Kenzo (singer and composer), Miss Theresine (Miss World Guadeloupe 2018), Mrs Jean (President of the Association Bitazyon Lyannag Kreyol) and Mr Alain Providenti Sales Manager at AGS Paris.


The winners of the 34th Anniversary of Accolade Association
were, from left to right: Mrs Audenay (Director of BRED Bank Overseas), Mrs Semour (Director of Plaisir de la Table), Mrs Plissoneau (Sales Manager of Tropic Marché), M. Desvarieux (bass player, author & composer for the Kassav group), Mrs M’Barga M’Boa (Public Relations Manager of La Banane de Guadeloupe et Martinique), Miss THeresine (Miss world Guadeloupe 2018).
